/BCO-DMO/Noble_Gas_Modeling/noble_gas_obs --proj eq 3-- Level 1

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#   Noble gas data for ECCO model
#     Global dataset of noble gas observations
#   PI: DP Nicholson & R. Stanley (WHOI), S. Khatiwala (Oxford)
#   version: 2017-01-23
lat                 lon                  
69.9983             -18.0022             
69.905              -18.5162             
69.9983             -18.0022             
69.905              -18.5162             
69.9983             -18.0022             
60.4155             -5.2835              
60.5718             -5.5743              
60.4155             -5.2835              
31.66667            -63.83333            
-18.5018            -25.0005             
-39.5007            -27.4848             
-48.5003            -33.0668             
-57.8588            -64.0797             
-61.7663            -62.7035             
-61.7683            -62.7042             
-68.3328            -102.826             
-68.909             -102.5413            
8.0383              -110.1666667         
7.945               -110.2483333         
0.0333              -109.8983333         
0.0367              -109.9083333         
0.0333              -109.8983333         
-7.98               -95.245              
-7.9933             -95.22333333         
-1.0033             -95                  
-1.0067             -94.99833333         
-1.0033             -95                  
22.75               -158                 
9.0055              178.9962             
8.7578              178.9985             
47.002              171.6107             
46.9962             172.7168             
50.06189            -144.92333           
49.999095           -145.00806           
49.999925           -145.000075          
50.00196            -145.00052           
50.001075           -145.000275          
49.99875            -144.9994            
50.0005             -144.99985